Friday, June 4, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 9

It's the last day of the school week for the quarter, exams not included, and I'm so tired with a fried brain I'm not sure what to write. I've been trying to recall a memory from English class to write about and the best I can remember is the day we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

All I could think about when we were about to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith was "so much for avoiding this movie". I'd read a really bad response from a local in the paper to it and the scenes I came in on when it played on TV could never catch my interest. So I'd decided to scratch it off my 'to see' list; I'm sure eventually I will watch it just to see what the fans saw in it to be fans about. Either way, I was pretty excited when Monty Python became the 'movie-of-the-day'.

Now, I hadn't seen that film in a few years, but in grade school my friends and I were hooked. We still quote it today (perhaps not as much as back then) because we just can't forget the scenes we watched over and over again. My favorite memory besides my dad walking in on it, grimacing, and leaving (I believe it was the killer bunny scene), was the 7th grade speech project.

For 7th and 8th grade my class was assigned a speech project. We could do comedy, drama, monologue, partner (2 people max), and so on from any film, book, or speech we liked. Then we'd take turns presenting in front of the class and on occasion were sent around the school to entertain the other classes. If we so wished, there was a speech contest for various grades around schools in Cincinnati. I have no idea why (given my hate for public speaking), but I signed up with a friend and speech partner both years.

7th grade was Monty Python and the Holy Grail. My friend and I had teamed up to be the king (me) and a combination of two guards (her) for the scene about trying to make the guards stay in the room with the prince until the king returns. Only one guard spoke while the other hiccuped, so we made them one person, pretended the prince was there, and attempted to pick up accents from the movie. We must have watched those scenes 20 times to write down every bit of dialogue and make a system so we knew when to pick up after each other. I don't know how the script writers came up with the dialogue they did, but that is one hard scene to copy down!

We rehearsed for ages, timed ourselves, and went to rehearsal "training" with our teacher and other groups from our school that would be competing. We had to give the speech twice for two different panels of judges (3 in each) and they scored us on various points. That year we missed a 3-way trophy tie by a couple points and got the blue ribbon, which was still pretty good for nerve-wracked 7th graders.

Overall the experience was great and we still quote lines from the especially memorable speeches that had us laughing with tears in our eyes. The following year I teamed up with another friend and did a scene from Emperor's New Groove (we got blue ribbon, missed by 1 point for the mini trophy on a 5-way tie I believe). Anyways, the Monty Python movie just made me remember the good grade school times and pains of writing (really, copying) a speech and giving it.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 8

Today was reflection day,or at least the start of it. Writing a reflection always throws me off because I'm caught between essay (I suppose I'm referring to formal) and just talking as me. The recent blog paper made that change even stranger. Anyways, I think I am back in the swing of things reflection related. There really is no point to this ramble except that it's gotten me thinking about the past...obviously, because it is a reflection.

I've been trying to remember when I first started writing, I don't mean stories or sentences, I mean trying to form the letter 'a' then the capital 'A' or vice versa. The best I remember is drawing stick figures in kindergarten, vague memories of letters/sentences in first grade and writing letters and lines on that giant lined paper in second. I'm not sure why that last one is most clear, maybe my mind decided paying attention in class actually meant paying attention at that point.

As for when I wrote my first "story," that was probably about a page or two of looseleaf, college ruled of course (I hated the other kind from very early on).Anyways, I remember around 7th grade writing about a kid in the jungle sort of like Tarzan, who was very ill and then somehow got powers, kind of like Superman. I'm sure I've written something from an earlier grade but it escapes my memory. Actually I lied, I just remembered writing an explanation for how the spring in Tuck Everlasting came to have its special power; I believe that was a couple paragraphs around 6th grade. Blast! and a somewhat long story involving a mystery and baseball around 3rd grade.

The point was, and is, supposed to be that I really remember most story writings beginning in 7th grade, I figure that means besides having more assignments, it also meant I really started caring about what and how I wrote. This caring equalled, at the time, having ideas too big to write for a little tale, spending far too much time on the writings, and the best of all, getting terrifying nerves about other people reading them. Yay, I can almost pinpoint when my public speaking fears went up a new level. However, despite all of this I realized I enjoyed it. I enjoyed making up a story or writing about something, it was different and the results could just about be limitless.

Taking a step back from stories, there's poems to consider. I can recall a poem about my Grandpa in 6th grade and a Veteran's poem in 7th or 8th but not much else except for recitation . Forgetting the teacher-assigned poems, I clearly remember writing my first real one, I have had bits and pieces written down before, but never a real poem.

I was in a strange mood during a boring science class lecture in 7th grade. So I began writing in my notebook, thinking about the 9/11 attack and everything after. It was around a paragraph and after showing one friend I turned it in to the school to consider adding to this book of stories, news, and other writings for the year. It got in, people saw it and liked it (that was a surprise) and then insisted my next two years of school that I resubmit it (I never did, forgetting, but discovered someone else added it for me). That was when I learned writing could be calming if you let it. I also discovered poems were the way to go for conveying emotion and jumbled thoughts, not yet having a handle on applying those personal experiences to a character in a story.

Few people have seen my rambles, and none of them have seen them all. In fact, I had intended to keep them for myself but somehow skillfully managed to leave a personal poem (my second) on a ledge a week or two later at home in a rush to catch my school ride. It was seen, read, given back...and I mumbled incoherently at any comments or questions. The lines were too odd to really pick up anything personal, but it grew that way from my current mood so I felt attached. Suppose, I loosened up a smidgen after that.

Anyways my point is that I like to recall where I started in writing, I like to dig through my room and find those cheesy stories and poems with red ink grades and stickers. I like to pull out my notebook and jot a paragraph down after reading the snippets of a story started years ago. I like to open that beat-up medium notebook and look at poems I've made, adding one now and again when I can't resist the pull. That pull is the feeling I love, I can't deny it even if I scribble on a napkin; it's also the feeling that drives me nuts when I want to write and just can't seem too.

It's a strange thing writing, and I know this weird little flashback is long and messed up, but my head can't quite grasp the attention needed to write this all down. It keeps jumping from memory to memory as they come back (I have done mass editing because I think of something a paragraph or several later). So I'll just stop while laughing at the memories and see if I can't find that pull over the weekend.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mutations in Your Backyard

Ever watch those old horror movies or the science fiction flicks full of strange, mutant creatures? Ever wonder if they were in your backyard, waiting to do terrible things? Maybe there is a local legend about a beast in the night or a hideous monster that creeps up on nearby homes and people to do who knows what. Well, what if these ideas really are based off of fact?

There is a woman in China who woke up in the night to a scritch, scratch sound coming from inside her bedroom. When she turned on the light to find the source of the noise, a snake with one, clawed foot was moving across the wall. Talk about nightmares come true, the lady beat the snake to death in fear before realizing it was probably very rare. This incident occurred in September of 2009 and the snake’s body is now being studied at West Normal University in China. An event like this one does not happen too often, but when it does, it brings along a multitude of questions involving genetic mutations.

What causes a genetic mutation, the environment? Do mutations serve any use? Are all mutations bad or pointless? These are some of the most basic questions and for starters, no, the natural environment does not directly cause a genetic mutation in an animal. The natural environment (one free of human-influence for the most part) does, however, determine the use of a mutation. Does that mean these changes do serve some purpose? Yes, it does. Genetic mutation can be one of three options: harmful, beneficial, or neutral. The trick is knowing what makes them that way (hint: the natural environment) and whether or not the big picture of mutations is really a good, bad, or useless thing in the world. If you don’t believe me, continue reading to see pictures and examples explained that will prove this viewpoint. If you do believe me, read on anyways, it might be interesting.

Let’s look first at how a mutation can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral, then how the natural environment affects it. This is a picture of a couple penguins, a species thriving in Antarctica. The penguin has lots of blubber surrounding its body to keep it insulated from the cold, in and out of the water. It also has webbed feet that, while slow moving on land, are great assets in maneuvering the cold waters. It is important to be a quick swimmer because not only does it make catching food easier, it helps to evade larger predators as well. Penguins are also flightless birds, a trait that passed on through generations over time because the need to “reach for the sky” was unnecessary. All of these genetic mutations are helpful in surviving the harsh Antarctic lands.

Now let’s take a picture of this kakapo bird, a species found in the mountains of New Zealand. It is a small, flightless parrot that once flourished in its homeland. The wings, much like the penguins, mutated over time because the birds could find food on the ground and low brush, living unthreatened, they thrived. Once again, this is an example of a mutation at work in its natural environment, it may seem pointless one way or another, but it was not harmful to the bird.

Finally, let’s observe this panda. The panda has a unique thumb-like appendage grown from an extended wrist bone. For a panda, this “thumb” has become a vital means of survival, allowing it to handle bamboo stalks with relative ease and therefore
make eating easier. Another beneficial genetic mutation put to use.

So, why does looking at these three animals mean anything significant to the world of genetic mutations? We’ve seen what their physical changes can do in their original habitat, but what happens when that homeland has been altered?

This picture is an altered one (poorly at that) showing two penguins on a nice, hot, uneven piece of land. A new environment as drastically different as this one can mean only bad things for the penguin. The blubber will become a nuisance, overheating the animal and adding unnecessary weight as it moves around. The webbed feet will slow the bird just as it did in Antarctica, except here there are faster land animals that will see a penguin as prey. Suddenly two beneficial genetic mutations have been turned harmful. Worse yet, with wings that will not fly, the penguin truly has become an easy snack to a larger predator. What’s this? You say, “Well that’s why penguins are in Antarctica and not swimming down to some new stretch of land.” Alright, fair enough, but look at this kakapo bird again.

Okay, so I changed the picture from several birds to one (and added something), why did I do that? Simple, that’s exactly what happened to the New Zealand parrot. You see, instead of taking this bird to a different environment, the environment went ahead and changed on its own. Humans began to come to New Zealand to make civilizations, bringing their pet cats and other new animals with them. The kakapo’s natural environment was changing into one with stronger predators, predators like weasels and cats who found the kakapo to be easy prey. In a very short time, the kakapo parrot went from flourishing to near extinction all because it was a tiny, flightless bird under brand new threats. Its genetic mutation proved fatal in its new environment.

Now we can’t forget that panda can we? There have been beneficial mutations and harmful mutations shown so far, how about a neutral one? Put this panda in a different environment without bamboo stalks for nourishment, give the panda something else to eat, and see if that “thumb” is still useful. No, it’s not; in fact the appendage may even be a hindrance. If the panda has to move around a lot, the extra digit might get in the way, at the least, it will have no useful application.

There you have it, three types of genetic mutation, each of which change in use depending on the surrounding environment. Still, if the natural environment does not cause a mutation, what does? Mutagenic agents that are external or internal cause a genetic mutation to occur by affecting the DNA of an animal. UV radiation and nitrous acid are good examples of mutagenic agents; these are either caused by inner chemicals or an outside form of pollution that is not directly part of the natural environment.

What about the question on whether genetic mutations, in the big picture rather than individually, are bad overall? The quick answer would be that in the broad scheme of things, mutations are ultimately beneficial.

How did I reach this conclusion?
Glad you asked.

The negative mutations do not have much of a chance to spread because it puts the animal at a disadvantage which means it will die sooner (kakapo bird anyone?) than a normal or healthily mutated animal. The big picture cannot be pointless with useless mutations because if the overall result of mutations were neutral, there would be no progress in the world. All the creatures when the Earth first formed would still be the same, evolution or a new species’ population through mutation would not have been possible. The only option left then is that genetic mutations, in the long run, are ultimately beneficial. This makes sense because there would be stronger animals and progress could be made over time.

To sum up, mutagenic agents are the reason for genetic mutations, the surrounding natural environment is what determines their use, mutations can vary from helpful, harmful, or neutral, and overall, genetic mutations are beneficial. Perhaps these answers aren’t quite the image of a scary myth or movie monster, but they are the basis of them. I’d keep an eye out on your own backyard, maybe a leap in progress is about to be made.

Works Cited

ChaOs. “Baguio, The Cool City in Philippines.” MyTripolog.Com. N.p. 5 April 2009. Web. 27 May 2010.

DeXtR. “Emperors Penguins in Sea Antarctica.” CrazyAmazy. DeXtR. N.d. Web. 27 May 2010.

Harter, Richard. “Are Mutations Harmful?” The Talk Origins Archive. N.p. 20 June 2003. Web. 6 April 2010.

“Helpful Mutations.” Newton BBS. N.p. N.d. Web. 6 April 2010.

legend26. “Your favorite movie monsters.” GAMESPOT. N.p. 30 Sep 2008. Web. 27 May 2010.

Maria. “Bamboo: An Amazingly Green Plant.” Green Earth Traveler. N.p. 15 Nov 2008. Web. 27 May 2010.

“Movie Monsters @ the Library.” Flickr. N.p. N.d. Web. 27 May 2010.

“Mutations.” Nature Niche. N.p. N.d. Web. 4 April 2010.

“New Zealand Ecology - Flightless Birds.” TerraNature. N.p. N.d. Web. 27 May 2010.

“Snake with foot found in China.” Telegraph, 14 Sep 2009. Web. 19 May 2010.

“Tremors.” DVDnear. N.p. N.d. Web. 27 May 2010.

“Welcome to Raw Fit Pet!” N.p. N.d. Web. 27 May 2010.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 7

This week was a busy week, catching up from missed classes and being out of town. One thing constantly on my mind? The blog paper. How am I going to do it? What approach is best? Which pictures should I use? Does the title 'Mutations in Your Backyard' really fit my topic? How on earth can I simplify things more?

So began step 1: Figure out the due date and make some time to write.

Friday the 21st, hopefully get it started before and finish, obviously, before midnight Friday.

Step 2: Resolve title issue.

'Mutations in Your Backyard' can work because then I can introduce the paper bringing up the possible crazy monsters outside the house, lead to the snake with a claw story, and then to why genetic mutations are good. There's my introduction and maybe a paragraph or two more (complete with snake picture).

Step 3: Figure out what to fill the body of the paper with.

Ah, after the intro stuff, start with why I think mutations are, overall, beneficial in the world and how the environment does not cause them, but determines their use. Challenge the reader if they don't believe, to read on and hear my side of the reasoning.

Step 4: Decide what pictures and text to use to back up my 'reasoning challenge'.

In no particular order at the moment (though probably negative, neutral, then good mutations), use the penguin story, the kakapo bird, and the panda. Tell their genetic mutations and stories, add in a picture of each. Then move on to how the environment makes the trait useful or whatever the case may be: show in the natural environment, if moved to another environment, and an environment with the introduction of humans.

Step 5: Add the conclusion.

Wrap up the three animal examples and restate my opinion, maybe challenge the audience to continue looking if they still doubt, and perhaps look more anyway of they do believe my view.

Step 6: Is it 4 pages yet?

We'll just say "yes" and hammer out the details later if it's not. Finish off with the works cited page, double check the paper, send it out.

And there you have it, my version of an outline to keep myself occupied and making constant progress, rather than the usual method: sit, stare at screen, stare at room, get a snack, have an epiphany, forget the epiphany, stare at screen, give up and write whatever's on the mind related to the topic.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why We Write

Why I Write

Why do I write? Well, it’s not really a question I’ve ever considered. Why write? Who knows? I write when I’m told to. Those sentences to learn grammar in first grade, the paragraph for that short answer question on a fifth grade test, an essay about a book in seventh grade, and those “creative” stories about morals in eighth.

Is that why I write? So I can fit in and function in society? Nah, I’ve done more than that.

The high school papers on books, people, and issues were also written when I was told. Though, I felt a little more invested in the topic than those grade school papers, if you can even call them that. There were the creative stories for a writing class and the essays meant to win me a spot in college.

Is that why I write? A slight interest or society breathing down my neck for “a good college education?” Nah, I’ve done more than that.

What about those college papers that make me groan at the thought of starting? What about those college papers that are, at the least, 25% of my grade? Sure, there are the easy one-pagers I could care less about, but those classes demand good grades. Good grades for a higher GPA so I can get that job that will probably never ask a formal, five plus page essay paper from me.

Is that why I write? For a good grade so I can have that hopefully good job when I graduate? Nah, I’ve done more than that.

How about my free time? I’ve written on my own before; charged myself with a vague task I wouldn’t be bothered about if I stopped. What about those story plots that get written on a scrap of paper and saved? Why save a plot or idea for five years?

Is that why I write? For a maybe-story, short or long, in my future? Nah, I’ve done more than that.

There are those occasional poems I make; though, usually only partway until a sigh of frustration escapes my lips. There is that collection of quotes gathered throughout at least five years of my life saved on a Word Document, which I continue to add to.

Is that why I write? To be remembered for a certain string of words? To find inspiration in my own writing rather than someone else’s? Nah, I’ve done more than that.

What’s more than that? What’s more than a little of being able to function in life? A little of slight interests, good education, good grades, a good job, a future story, an inspiration, and leaving a mark in the world?

There’s the feeling. When I get that ‘A’ on a paper and want to trot it around like a proud pony; if only I were the type of person to do that, but the feeling’s the same. There’s that feeling when I finish a writing of some kind. Relief. Accomplishment. Pure, sweet success untainted with outside help. That’s a feeling. Then there’s the other one; not the stress at starting something, not the finished project, and not the outside judgment or reasons. The one when you’re writing, when I’m writing. That indescribable little tingle and thrill at creating something never before made, not exactly. That strange bit of excitement when I get on a roll, with fingers scrambling to keep up with my mind. That brand new expression of ideas, thoughts, and facts combined, all of which are mine. The wonder at making simple or odd words fit together for another person to read, or maybe for my eyes only. That’s a feeling. The knowledge I can’t be cut off, that what I write will affect another’s emotions and perhaps even alter their way of thinking. That’s an accomplishment. The type of writing that you know, that I know, makes a difference in the world in some way, small or large.

Is that why I write? …I hope so. You can’t do much more than that.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 5

When our class began to discuss what we would be doing for our Blog Essay, I was a little unsure. Writing without making it sound too much like a paper and keeping it unique and interesting seemed like they would be a struggle. Not to mention, how was I going to reduce 8 pages of research into a 4 page paper?

Then we started going over the differences in blogs and papers, I noticed I had unfortunately chosen a rather straight-forward blog that was a bit boring compared to the examples some classmates had found. We talked about the pictures, titles, small paragraphs, etc... and all I could think was 'I'm never very creative on a deadline'. Which of course led to our in-class writings for possible changes, that wasn't too bad, until we needed a title. I stared at my paper, I looked at other people, I looked at the room, I looked back at the paper. No inspiration struck me like that magnet I love so much says "My mind works like lightning, one brilliant flash, and it's gone." I couldn't even get the flash, let alone forget it.

I'm not sure what it was anymore, some classmate mentioned a title and I thought, 'backyard', so I got the title 'The Mutations in Your Backyard'. Still not sure if I like it, but it sort of brought on a chain reaction of ideas, ones I've been wanting to write down and thought would work great as a blog post. Once I had a possible title and I chose 'pictures' for my big change from paper to blog, my mind started flashing. Hopefully it won't disappear until I can get it written down.

See, I figure I can use 3 to 4 pictures of different animals, environments, and mutations. Then I can focus my paper's research on describing those visuals. One picture I know I want to use is the 'snake with a foot' shot. I thought about discussing it as an evolutionary throwback (though that wasn't a topic covered in my paper) or perhaps using it to show how it was proving useful. A lot of that would be my own opinions on the use, but since it had managed to climb up a wall at a house, I think that snake could have an advantage. If things are still to murky for the shot, I'll use it as an eye-catcher.

Next, I thought I would post a penguin, talk about it's beneficial mutations with arrows pointing to them. Then, I could use 2 more pictures to show a harmful mutation and a neutral mutation. I can then move each into a different environment and discuss how the environment changes the mutations use. To wrap up the paper I could finish with a picture of a possible pollution-induced mutation and talk about human influence on the environment.

Overall, I want to give the audience (which admittedly is limited at the moment) a visual so that they can see just how something affects something else. I want to respond not necessarily to another article, but to the pictures based on my research. In doing so, I keep my paper without changing it drastically and add a bit more interest to it with visuals. Of course, I'll work on other aspects of the blog post too, such as shortening my very lengthy paragraphs.

Anyways, that was my idea and vague plan for the new paper. I'm not sure it will be terribly interesting in print, void of pictures, but the rest will hopefully make up for that, maybe I'll staple the pictures on as an extra page, just to keep them around.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blog Essay Example -- Alex Goodall

This is Alex Goodall's Blog with a post titled 'Would you rather be in the Post Office?':

So first, What is the blogger responding to?
  • This blog post is in response to an article by Benjamin Kunkel; specifically a paragraph comparing the rise of health care at 400 percent and to a college price rise at 827 percent. It goes on to discuss health and education as the "non-essential goods" that shape our society's structure and where the money (in general, not specific numbers) has been going.

Now, What is their opinion on the topic? Do they agree/disagree?

  • Through their comment, "So the question will always be about how to balance the relative costs and benefits of such assessment regimes, to adjust them so they work more effectively and don’t incentivize people to behave irrationally," I believe the author's opinion on the subject is to better approach the spending of money that comes from the increase in price. The author agrees certain degrees of change are needed in money spending and also how the government is doing it.

Next, What are they trying to persuade their reader of? How are they doing it?

  • I felt I was being persuaded to become more knowledgeable about how money is being used for hospitals and universities and understand how it structures out society. Then once I know some information (provided in the blog), that I should understand some changes and different approaches are necessary for how the money is being used.
  • Alex Goodall uses several convincing examples and comparisons to prove a point that some methods in spending and its uses are not the best.
  • A good example of the need for change from the government is the comparison to improving disaster struck countries. That there should be a steady flow of money rather than surges of it and then cutting back suddenly, while expecting a lasting impact to improve the quality of life (or in this case medical treatment and education). The sudden flood of money at various intervals suddenly seemed ridiculous to me, to expect drastic or lasting changes, while it helps to improve the immediate situation, it does not really help to get out of the position of having such a thing happen again.

Finally, How does this seem to be different from an essay in a book, or something you might read in class?

  • It had comments from the author throughout, not in a way that is giving influence from an author, but in a way that completely interjects to say something, taking a brief step away from the subject to mention something.
  • It is not always formal in writing and jumps around in some cases to cover a new side of the topic without really a transition, maybe an ending question or just a few line spaces.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 4

The time spent in groups reading our papers was something I had never done before. It was an interesting experience, as I generally have a sort of strange peer review fear. Last quarter my teacher had us make a pen name, mixed them up, passed them out, and after they had been reviewed, we collected them off a desk before we left. I think I preferred the groups more though.

Reading our papers out load really helped to see where something didn't flow, find word errors or awkward sentences, and generally gave me a better feeling on the paper. It may have been a draft, but I usually write my drafts as if writing the final paper, it may take hours and be a pain but it also means less time editing afterward. Plus, I can't just go halfway, not on writing, which makes it near impossible to cut down on the time spent nitpicking over something. Though, with my complaining and my mom's nagging to just get it done and not be so critical, I think I may have succeeded slightly. That would be twice this class has helped in that area, the Intro and Conclusion being the first. Of course, all of the other in-class writing has helped with their time limits as well.

It was also really nice to see the reactions of other people, not that there was much reaction from reading a paper, but it got me excited to see what they have to say come Monday. I was also very interested hearing someone read their paper, to hear a voice behind the words is amazing. It puts so much more life into it, you can tell by their inflections and pauses what the words mean to them. Overall, I liked the class a lot.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Outline

Mutations in the genes of animals have been occurring since animals were first formed, each lending progress toward improving or depleting a species. Each of these articles cover slightly or greatly differing viewpoints on the world of mutations. Articles written on scientific studies, factual examples of animal mutations, the environments impact on these, and the kinds of mutations available.

While man is part of the world and people assume any mutation caused by humans is therefore, natural, humans have their own unique and various forms of pollution. Ones that usually cause a negative mutation in animals, while the natural environment brings about changes to make stronger animals or phase out the weaker of a species’ population.

Major Points
I. Human pollution forces genetic changes.

1. Quote E1, Quote E2, Quote E3.
2. Source E: Mice and sea gull mutations in urban areas compared to rural areas were higher.
3. Source E: Mice and sea gulls near steel mills and highways had a higher number of mutations compared to other areas.

II. Human influence on genetic mutation is generally negative.

1. Source E: Mice bred from a control group and a polluted group showed higher mutations passed to the offspring in the pollution influenced group, showing hereditary, negative mutations.
2. Source D: Large populations of flightless birds lived in New Zealand mountains, but are now nearly extinct after humans came to shore with mammals such as cats.

III. The natural environment does not cause mutations, but does determine their usefulness.

1. Quote B2, Quote D2, Quote D3.
2. Source D: Penguins in Antarctica have experienced several mutations making them flightless with webbed feet and heavy with insulating blubber. This allows for a greater chance of survival in this environment, but in another, their inability to fly, extra weight, and slow movement on land would be a great hindrance.

IV. Most mutations in animals are beneficial in the long run.

1. Quote B1, Quote C1, Quote C2.
2. Source B and C: Good mutations stay, spread through offspring and eventually become a natural characteristic or a new type of species, such as Darwin’s finches.
3. Source B: Bad mutations are eliminated quickly because the animal will not survive well with it, allowing only room for a slightly negative mutation to persist.
4. Source C: The progress in species today would not exist if all mutations were negative, everything would still be as it was thousands of years ago.

Objective Points
I. All mutations are bad or useless.

1. Supported by Source A, Quote A1 and Quote A2.
2. Rebuttal: The world’s wildlife would not be where it is today if every mutation had no or only negative impact.

II. Humans are part of the world, therefore their impact is natural.

1. Rebuttal: People are innovative, not living in a natural environment; the resulting pollution is unnatural and unhealthy.

III. The environment does cause genetic mutations.

1. Rebuttal: The natural environment cannot physically alter genes; mutations are the result of a change in the type or number of chemicals or bases in DNA.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 3

When we wrote out our introduction and conclusion it really put the pressure on to finish it within a reasonable time, something I don't often do. In fact, in most classes that have required journal entries during class-time, I've only managed to finish an entry halfway. Then I would have to go back later to complete it. The reason I mention this is, when I knew it had to get done in a time limit because we had to share with our peers, it forced me to stop being so nit-picky.

See, generally when I have to write a paper, I do it all at once and edit it as I go through, I can't get to the next paragraph until I am satisfied with the previous one. When I truly get stuck, I'll highlight in the word document the section bothering me, using different colors for different meanings. Such as 'change this word/is this needed?' or 'rework sentence' for yellow and green. On occasion I'll use blue for something else that is proving troublesome. Once I've gotten through the paper and I begin to work through it again, I'll add in possibilities after a highlighted sentence (which are also colored) and read it that way, so I can just delete the part I don't like.

The problem with this method is that most teachers want a rough draft copy, while I finish my paper all in one night, editing as I go. Of course, I can do that, call it my rough draft and come back later maybe with others for opinions and edit that, but only if it is due on different dates. When they are required on the same day, it takes much longer to write a paper because I have to transfer from one document to another as I go. So again, nit-picky and time have been issues.

One more big difference from class and my normal habits: I don't usually know my ending. I'll have a vague idea and if I think of a really great sentence I'll write it down somewhere to see if I can still use it by the end, that's about the extent of my pre-planning. I like to write the paper as I am thinking it through, it puts down my thought-process (though in a more organized manner) and I think it helps to pull people in, towards my opinion, because they understand how I reached a certain point. I may go into a paper knowing what it is about and not worrying a bit if my opinions or ideas will lose track by the end, or I may go into a paper knowing if something does change it is because my thoughts have processed it more and reached a new outcome, which I find fine because it is still legitimate.

That's a bit of a long version of how I write, I explained it because I have never written a full conclusion before actually writing my paper, especially with a time limit. It was strange and a little aggravating to limit my editing. I wrote a few notes in margins, put brackets around a few words, drew arrows if a line might work better somewhere else, and scratched them out when they didn't. It was nice though, for once I may save some time staring at a screen and my paper will still be a thought process (I've never been able to just list facts), but perhaps my brain will be spared a headache or two when I can remind myself clearly of where I am going with a point. Hopefully it'll also let me write a rough draft without spending hours on it editing, a draft is meant to be improved, so it'll save me quite some time to divide up the editing amounts.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Genetic Mutations -- Intro and Conclusion

Genetic mutations occur in all the living animals of Earth, humans included. They can increase the chance of survival or greatly diminish it depending on the surrounding environment. People have influenced the wildlife with their civilization and various forms of pollution while the natural environment has demanded changes in its “only the strong survive” mentality. That’s it isn’t it? Only the strong survive… but are these mutations actually helping or are they weakening a species’ population? Then the problem is, of those beneficial genetic mutations, are the people of this world causing an imbalance with an increase in negative mutations?

Through all of these studies it is fair to reason that the human impact in the world of mutations has not been a beneficial one. Genetic mutations are heavily influenced on helpful or harmful by their environment, though they are not caused by it. That is, until pollution comes into play, forcing a change in the genes. While most mutations can go either way, in the long run, the majority can be considered beneficial in improving survival chances or weeding out the weaker of animals. Genetic mutations are a part of life, something that cannot be changed. Though, perhaps they can be improved with human action to cut down their own personal, negative impact.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Proposal

I want to write a research paper about Genetic Mutations in animals because I think it is important to be informed of nature’s physiology in order to understand whether the effects that may carry over to humans, and that humans are inflicting on their surrounding environment, are beneficial or harmful. This is an important subject to study, not only to improve the health of animals, but to improve mankinds as well. If a scientist can discover the causes of negative mutations, such as air pollution, in the wildlife, preventative steps can be taken to ensure that mutation does not travel beyond those select animals. In order to begin I will conduct a thorough search of internet articles about genetic mutations in animals. I will narrow them down by focusing on articles discussing the pros and cons in a type of mutation, what influences those pros and cons, as well as the differences between human induced mutation (ie: pollution) and the natural environment induced mutation.

I want to show how varied the causes of a mutation can be, along with what makes it beneficial, harmful, or neutral. In doing so, I hope such a paper could influence others to look into the subject and take some form of action. I intend to educate the audience of this paper about how they are personally affecting wildlife and also how it may, in turn, affect them. I find knowing the affects of an existence and its environment to be intriguing, especially when dealing with noticeable shifts in the external or internal body. Understanding a concept means the creation of hypothesis is possible, making room for tests and allowing the potential for improvement to grow. As a student of the University of Cincinnati and as a living person in the current world I believe it is my right to make use of the articles about genetic mutations and infer my own conclusions for others to read and consider.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 2

This week we talked about ethos, pathos and logos and how they applied to different videos and ads. It got me thinking a lot about past videos, songs, ads, and more that have pulled me one way or another by using these techniques. I thought I'd try to find some I've seen and even mention one or two I've employed myself.

First off I should say that I definitely feel the best way to suck someone into an issue is by tapping into their emotional side. I think a clever idea would then be to mix in facts and statistics to weigh on the mind. I've remembered countless facts over time from little blurbs online, in the paper, on the radio, or on t.v. What's more, once I do not use one for a while and begin to forget it, it drives me crazy trying to remember. Which, in turn, leads to doing vague research somewhere in the hopes of reclaiming that fact I once knew. This leads me back to the original source or something related so that I see what they want all over again. Which can be really good for those people, as I may take interest and act on it or spread the word about it.

Now, while credibility is important, if I'm given a fact from an unknown source who can back it up, I will be more willing to believe them than a big corporation with the idea of overpaid CEOs and possible corruption around them. Sometimes it's just hard to trust those well known names, though not always of course.


One of the best examples I can think of for pulling at someone's heartstrings to bring them in (in particular pull in that good grade) would be when I worked with 2 partners on a project in a sophomore class in high school. We chose the topic of adoption to tell about, we also were required to make a CD of songs related to the topic and play one for the class before or after the presentation. We played the song 'Heaven' by DJ Sammy with the remix of the little girl. This is a link to the song on YouTube, it got our class pretty choked up. Throw in a video of kids looking for a home afterwards and it had a pretty strong effect.

A couple examples of logic and stats being used that I have seen most recently would involve coffee and the social media.
The media one is here:
and the coffee which also has the known name 'WWF' with it is here:

The videos on emotion that I've seen most recently were already shown in class. Except perhaps the music video 'If Everyone Cared' which can fall under pathos, logos, and ethos in my opinion. That link is here:

To finish off I guess I''ll mention a video that I have been wondering category-wise about for a while now. It's called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I saw it over a year ago and still can't forget the first time I saw it or resist the urge to watch it every now and again, it gives fact because it is word-for-word from a document I suppose, and I guess it tries to pull people in for the ending credit to be motivated to act, I'm not sure, but somehow, it got to me.
That video is here:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Annotated Bibliography for the Research Paper

“Genetic Mutation?” Themes. N.p. N.d. Web. 6 April 2010.

  • “Genes are genuinely magnificent. They are extremely complex, intricate, convoluted, grouped in hundreds of thousands, and, of course - extremely efficient! It follows, therefore, that any mutations within the genes are always detrimental to their function.”
  • “A depletion of the gene pool results in a loss of genetic information! Upward evolution of one species into another requires an addition of ordered genetic information, not a removal of genetic information!”

--In this article as said directly by the author, "The evidence I will discuss clearly demonstrates that mutations, for practical purposes, are always useless or harmful." The paper is about disproving the idea of a “good” mutation.

Harter, Richard. “Are Mutations Harmful?” The Talk Origins Archive. N.p. 20 June 2003. Web. 6 April 2010.

  • “Some mutations are fatal or very bad. These mutations get eliminated immediately. Some are silent and don't count. Sometimes a mutation is definitely advantageous; this is rare but it does happen. Almost all mutations which aren't silent and which aren't eliminated immediately are neither completely advantageous nor deleterious.”
  • “It is important to realize that mutations do not occur in response to the environment. They simply happen.”
  • “Mutations are changes in the genome (genetic constitution). There are quite a number of ways in which mutations can happen. They also differ in the way that they impact evolution.”

--In this article there are basic explanations of mutations that anyone can comprehend and each explanation can become vastly detailed for the serious, scientific researcher.

“Helpful Mutations.” Newton BBS. N.p. N.d. Web. 6 April 2010.

  • “Pretty much all the variation in existing creatures living on earth are the result of helpful mutation, otherwise, the only living things on earth be exactly the same as the ones when life first came to be on earth.”
  • “Any mutation that creates a protein that wasn't there before, but can now be used by the body for something is helpful.”

--This article discusses with scientific fact how the answer to whether most genetic mutations in all kinds of animals is helpful or not is yes.

“Mutations.” Nature Niche. N.p. N.d. Web. 4 April 2010.

  • “Mutations are random changes in the genetic information of an organism. These lead to new varieties and traits in an organism. Most are harmful, but a few are neutral or even beneficial.”
  • “A beneficial or neutral mutation can quickly become harmful when the environments change.”
  • “The environment greatly affects an organism’s ability to survive, and even a small change can be harmful to some organisms.”

--This article gives examples on how the environment is the ultimate decider in whether a genetic mutation is harmful or beneficial to an animal.

Ruder, Kate. “Air Pollution Causes Genetic Mutations.” Genome News Network. N.p. 13 May 2004. Web. 4 April 2010.

  • “The source of the mutations was not known at the time, but the prime suspect was air pollution because the gulls nearest the steel mills had the most mutations.”
  • “Still, the new findings suggest that genetic changes caused by pollution can be inherited.”
  • “One group of mice breathed polluted air, while the other breathed filtered air… After ten weeks, the researchers bred both groups of mice… Baby mice in the “unfiltered” group inherited twice as many mutations as mice in the “filtered” group.”

--In this article, scientists explain that it can be factually proven that air pollution affects animals' genetics and suggests that these changes can also be inherited.

**Note: I do not have page numbers on these sites because they were not divided up by pages, making them all 'Page 1' I suppose, but I wasn't sure.

Weekly Blog Post 1

I enjoyed discussing the different ways that people address others in notes or person. Writing out to several people in class really helped me understand the subtle changes in my manners and formality.

I've noticed for a long time in my life how confusing it can be addressing different adults. As I was raised, my parents and neighbors all insisted that the neighbors were referred to by their first name. So my nearby friends called my parents Karen or Joe, while I said Pam, Bruce, Rick, and so on.

The problem with this began when I started attending grade school. The teachers made it fairly simple: call them Mr, Mrs, Ms, or Miss accordingly, followed by the last name. However, I had new friends and saw their families often enough that greeting them or talking about them in conversation got to be an issue.

First of all, for some parents I only knew their last name, that lead to the great debate on whether or not to ask a friend what their mom or dad's name was. More often than not I did not ask. Still, for those names that I did know it was confusing; I learned that saying the 'first name' in front of a friend meant strange looks and questions. That in turn lead to calling the neighbors by their title and last name which also meant strange looks and questions.

Eventually my young mind sorted it out. Tell teachers what they say to, if they say whatever, be respectful. Call neighbors by the first name, new or old. As for new friends? Last name all the way, even after you are basically family, first just doesn't work.

The reason I get into all of this is because while differences in addressing a person occur with variations of age, each of those groups can also be broken into many subgroups whether they are well known or a stranger. Of course there are slip ups, more often than not a teacher is called by a last or nickname among peers, but not in person. I've screwed that up a time or two and received a laugh or stern look in return. (The latter I fear, teachers just have that look that says "line crossed"--a grade school teacher of mine is still well known among my classmates for her "evil-eye" that got you squirming.)

Anyways, these are all verbal distinctions that always found a way to apply themselves to something written. A card, a note, letter, paper, gift, e-mail, etc. It's nice to be able to step back more clearly now and observe the changes right next to each other. It's very helpful in deciding whether something is too informal or too formal and to look at what might work better switched around or applied elsewhere.

--Sorry this is late, I received your reply Monday afternoon but had little time and another strange day preventing a post that night. If this is too late for credit that's fine, thanks for the chance and understanding though!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Research: Thesis and Audience

Here are 5 sources from the internet that can help in this research paper, though they are, of course, subject to change if something more informative or detailed shows up.

Thesis: It can be factually proven that air pollution affects animals' genetics and suggests that these changes can be inherited.
Audience: Researchers (for mutations, health side-effects, or animals), possibly animal activists, and the average concerned citizen living near a highway or mill.

Thesis: The environment is the ultimate decider in whether a genetic mutation is harmful or beneficial to an animal.
Audience: The average person curious about mutations. It is simple with examples, definitions, and pictures.

Thesis: There are basic explanations of mutations that anyone can comprehend and each explanation can become vastly detailed for the serious, scientific researcher.
Audience: In the words of the author this is set up for "the lay reader" and "for the reader who wants scientific substance". So the average, curious person and those intereseted in specific research on mutations.

Thesis: Said directly by the author: "The evidence I will discuss clearly demonstrates that mutations, for practical purposes, are always useless or harmful" The paper is about disproving the idea of a "good mutation".
Audience: Genetic Mutation researchers and the curious person willing to read a lot.

Thesis: The answer to whether most genetic mutations in all kinds of animals are helpful is yes.
Audience: Researchers and those interested in examples of genetic mutation uses.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Question and Thesis

Genetic Mutations

Research Question: Are genetic mutations in animals an aid to their living habits, and are mutations caused by the natural environment more beneficial than those induced by man's involvement?

Thesis Statement: Genetic mutations vary depending on the environment the animal has to survive in, though most caused by the natural environment appear to be beneficial.

Thesis with Tension Statement: While man is part of the world and people assume any mutation caused by humans is therefore natural, one that allows only the strong to survive, humans have their own unique and various forms of pollution that usually cause a negative mutation in animals while the natural environment brings about changes to make stronger animals or phase out the weaker of a species' population.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beginnings of Research - - Genetic Mutation

Below there are three online articles that address at least one of my questions listed under 'Genetic Mutations' in the previous post.

This article discusses the effect of air pollution on animals. It focuses around the Great Lakes and Ontario where highways and steel mills have been used in case studies. First, it was observed that sea gulls had formed mutations that were then being passed to their offspring. The ones closest to the mills had the most mutations and the results were compared with observations in more rural areas, the latter was much lower. Next, mice were observed in the same areas, showing similar results. A final case study in the article on filtered air and polluted air for caged mice showed a significantly higher number of genetic mutations for those bred from the polluted air.

The main point: The research done so far strongly suggests that air pollution is an important factor in genetic mutations on animals. It will take more time and research until the results and new research can be applied to humans.

This website gives a brief overview of finches, white tigers, and frog mutations. It contains short, simple summaries with some pictures and a video. A site such as this is one that gives me something to look for, it warrants more research. This discusses the evolution of a specific kind of bird, the 13 types of finches. Their adaption to different environments for a food source has caused changes in the birds' beaks. This is an example of how a genetic mutation from a natural environment can become evolution should it prove useful. The white tigers are an example of how a trait can be passed to the cub and gives the chances of its inheritance. Last, there are observations of frogs with multiple legs and the reason is as of yet unknown. One hypothesis is a genetic mutation cause by a pesticide farmers use when caught in the sun, another is that a parasite caused it.

The main point: Genetic mutations can have multiple causes and sometimes become a strength passed on in generations, turning into an evolutionary improvement for a species' population.

This website gives information on whether mutations are beneficial or harmful. It begins defining two kinds of genetic mutations: point mutation and frameshift mutation, the second generally results in a useless or harmful mutation. It then brings up 4 examples of animals and how their body mutations are greatly influenced by their environment and just how swiftly their benefit or hindrance can change with an environment change. The mentioned animals include the panda, kakapo, penguin, and naked mole rat. For each, the environment they live in has, over time, changed their bodies to best suit the needs their surroundings require. In the case of the kakapo bird, it was safe with its useless wings until man came and introduced predators that could use that flightless trait as an advantage.

The main point: The environment is key to genetic mutations, whether induced by humans or not. It does affect what the mutation will be (not that it makes them good changes) and it ultimately decides whether or not that particular change is useful or harmful.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Topic and the Questions

Okay, I'm going to start by listing the topic I will research over the weekend and then the possible questions I have formed for the paper. As the weekend goes on, I will make a new post with the gathered information.

Topic of the Weekend: Genetic Mutation

-Are genetic mutations in animals a sign of evolution to come?
-Are genetic mutations in animals a result of human impact on their environment?
-Are genetic mutations in animals an aid to their living habits?
-Is it ethical (or when does it cross the line) for humans to intentionally attempt to alter genetics in animals within labs?

It may be obvious by now, but I intend to focus on the genetic mutations of animals, excluding humans. There are human cases, such as down syndrome, but I would prefer to avoid those cases for now until I know how well the research turns out.

This does not immediately concern my research, but below are the reasons I became aware of and interested in genetic mutations.

-This is a link about a snake with a foot found in China:

-The book (fiction but based on some fact), Altar of Eden by James Rollins:

-Also, there is a two-headed calf in an old log jail in Brown County Indiana that I have seen every year since early childhood.

Listing the Subjects

For my research paper I have settled on the following three topics:

-School Security
-Genetic Mutations

The last choice, I have been unsure on, only coming up with one possible question. A possible alternative I thought of after class today has lead me to edit this post from Thursday. In place of 'wolves', I'd have liked to add 'hiccups' to my list.

They are strange things and something I get often, so research would be fun and interesting. However, I doubt I would choose either of those two because the first couple options have most of my interest at the moment, leaving me unconcerned with attempting to swap topics. I just thought I'd mention it since it has to do with the assignment.