Friday, April 9, 2010

Research: Thesis and Audience

Here are 5 sources from the internet that can help in this research paper, though they are, of course, subject to change if something more informative or detailed shows up.

Thesis: It can be factually proven that air pollution affects animals' genetics and suggests that these changes can be inherited.
Audience: Researchers (for mutations, health side-effects, or animals), possibly animal activists, and the average concerned citizen living near a highway or mill.

Thesis: The environment is the ultimate decider in whether a genetic mutation is harmful or beneficial to an animal.
Audience: The average person curious about mutations. It is simple with examples, definitions, and pictures.

Thesis: There are basic explanations of mutations that anyone can comprehend and each explanation can become vastly detailed for the serious, scientific researcher.
Audience: In the words of the author this is set up for "the lay reader" and "for the reader who wants scientific substance". So the average, curious person and those intereseted in specific research on mutations.

Thesis: Said directly by the author: "The evidence I will discuss clearly demonstrates that mutations, for practical purposes, are always useless or harmful" The paper is about disproving the idea of a "good mutation".
Audience: Genetic Mutation researchers and the curious person willing to read a lot.

Thesis: The answer to whether most genetic mutations in all kinds of animals are helpful is yes.
Audience: Researchers and those interested in examples of genetic mutation uses.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good so far. I understand family emergencies, so I'll assume you will get that make up post done ASAP and grant 6.5/7 possible points now.
