Friday, April 2, 2010

A Topic and the Questions

Okay, I'm going to start by listing the topic I will research over the weekend and then the possible questions I have formed for the paper. As the weekend goes on, I will make a new post with the gathered information.

Topic of the Weekend: Genetic Mutation

-Are genetic mutations in animals a sign of evolution to come?
-Are genetic mutations in animals a result of human impact on their environment?
-Are genetic mutations in animals an aid to their living habits?
-Is it ethical (or when does it cross the line) for humans to intentionally attempt to alter genetics in animals within labs?

It may be obvious by now, but I intend to focus on the genetic mutations of animals, excluding humans. There are human cases, such as down syndrome, but I would prefer to avoid those cases for now until I know how well the research turns out.

This does not immediately concern my research, but below are the reasons I became aware of and interested in genetic mutations.

-This is a link about a snake with a foot found in China:

-The book (fiction but based on some fact), Altar of Eden by James Rollins:

-Also, there is a two-headed calf in an old log jail in Brown County Indiana that I have seen every year since early childhood.


  1. Hey,
    I talked to you after class one day and we Brainstormed up some good stuff about how the extra toes on a cat might help them balance. I can't wait to hear more on your topic!

  2. That's right, thanks for the idea. I'll definitely be looking into it, see if I can find a possible article to use in the paper.
