Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 4

The time spent in groups reading our papers was something I had never done before. It was an interesting experience, as I generally have a sort of strange peer review fear. Last quarter my teacher had us make a pen name, mixed them up, passed them out, and after they had been reviewed, we collected them off a desk before we left. I think I preferred the groups more though.

Reading our papers out load really helped to see where something didn't flow, find word errors or awkward sentences, and generally gave me a better feeling on the paper. It may have been a draft, but I usually write my drafts as if writing the final paper, it may take hours and be a pain but it also means less time editing afterward. Plus, I can't just go halfway, not on writing, which makes it near impossible to cut down on the time spent nitpicking over something. Though, with my complaining and my mom's nagging to just get it done and not be so critical, I think I may have succeeded slightly. That would be twice this class has helped in that area, the Intro and Conclusion being the first. Of course, all of the other in-class writing has helped with their time limits as well.

It was also really nice to see the reactions of other people, not that there was much reaction from reading a paper, but it got me excited to see what they have to say come Monday. I was also very interested hearing someone read their paper, to hear a voice behind the words is amazing. It puts so much more life into it, you can tell by their inflections and pauses what the words mean to them. Overall, I liked the class a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the 'reading aloud' exercise worked well for you!
