Friday, April 16, 2010

Weekly Blog Post 2

This week we talked about ethos, pathos and logos and how they applied to different videos and ads. It got me thinking a lot about past videos, songs, ads, and more that have pulled me one way or another by using these techniques. I thought I'd try to find some I've seen and even mention one or two I've employed myself.

First off I should say that I definitely feel the best way to suck someone into an issue is by tapping into their emotional side. I think a clever idea would then be to mix in facts and statistics to weigh on the mind. I've remembered countless facts over time from little blurbs online, in the paper, on the radio, or on t.v. What's more, once I do not use one for a while and begin to forget it, it drives me crazy trying to remember. Which, in turn, leads to doing vague research somewhere in the hopes of reclaiming that fact I once knew. This leads me back to the original source or something related so that I see what they want all over again. Which can be really good for those people, as I may take interest and act on it or spread the word about it.

Now, while credibility is important, if I'm given a fact from an unknown source who can back it up, I will be more willing to believe them than a big corporation with the idea of overpaid CEOs and possible corruption around them. Sometimes it's just hard to trust those well known names, though not always of course.


One of the best examples I can think of for pulling at someone's heartstrings to bring them in (in particular pull in that good grade) would be when I worked with 2 partners on a project in a sophomore class in high school. We chose the topic of adoption to tell about, we also were required to make a CD of songs related to the topic and play one for the class before or after the presentation. We played the song 'Heaven' by DJ Sammy with the remix of the little girl. This is a link to the song on YouTube, it got our class pretty choked up. Throw in a video of kids looking for a home afterwards and it had a pretty strong effect.

A couple examples of logic and stats being used that I have seen most recently would involve coffee and the social media.
The media one is here:
and the coffee which also has the known name 'WWF' with it is here:

The videos on emotion that I've seen most recently were already shown in class. Except perhaps the music video 'If Everyone Cared' which can fall under pathos, logos, and ethos in my opinion. That link is here:

To finish off I guess I''ll mention a video that I have been wondering category-wise about for a while now. It's called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I saw it over a year ago and still can't forget the first time I saw it or resist the urge to watch it every now and again, it gives fact because it is word-for-word from a document I suppose, and I guess it tries to pull people in for the ending credit to be motivated to act, I'm not sure, but somehow, it got to me.
That video is here:

1 comment:

  1. Wow- you went above and beyond here. Those videos are great and show you're really engaging with the topic. I'm thrilled to see it! 3/2 points this week.
