Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Proposal

I want to write a research paper about Genetic Mutations in animals because I think it is important to be informed of nature’s physiology in order to understand whether the effects that may carry over to humans, and that humans are inflicting on their surrounding environment, are beneficial or harmful. This is an important subject to study, not only to improve the health of animals, but to improve mankinds as well. If a scientist can discover the causes of negative mutations, such as air pollution, in the wildlife, preventative steps can be taken to ensure that mutation does not travel beyond those select animals. In order to begin I will conduct a thorough search of internet articles about genetic mutations in animals. I will narrow them down by focusing on articles discussing the pros and cons in a type of mutation, what influences those pros and cons, as well as the differences between human induced mutation (ie: pollution) and the natural environment induced mutation.

I want to show how varied the causes of a mutation can be, along with what makes it beneficial, harmful, or neutral. In doing so, I hope such a paper could influence others to look into the subject and take some form of action. I intend to educate the audience of this paper about how they are personally affecting wildlife and also how it may, in turn, affect them. I find knowing the affects of an existence and its environment to be intriguing, especially when dealing with noticeable shifts in the external or internal body. Understanding a concept means the creation of hypothesis is possible, making room for tests and allowing the potential for improvement to grow. As a student of the University of Cincinnati and as a living person in the current world I believe it is my right to make use of the articles about genetic mutations and infer my own conclusions for others to read and consider.

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